

The SLEEPER deck update…

Hello awesome Sleeper supporters patiently waiting for your new dream ride, here’s the lowdown, the skinny on why our new decks are still not here and finally some solid on when they will be... 

 Firstly it has to do with our main design ethos, Sleeper was born to bring something new (and better) to the pro scooter market, not just rehash old designs with new branding. To do this takes equal parts of research, time, and that other thing called cash. We are a small brand and we are growing but as we do this from our own pockets the cashflow is, well, very limited. To do things with less money is possible but it takes more time. We had our first 5 wide demo decks arrive at the end of December 2023 and thought with a month or so of test riding we’d know the changes we needed to make before committing to the bulk order and getting the new decks out by say the end of April. (Note the new stock of the improved V2 Sleeper 4.5 x 18.5” deck will be made along with the 5 wide decks which is why they are suffering the same delays). A month or so in the feedback from the 5 wide demos coming back from our team riders was all good, so good that it almost felt too good, seriously – our riders loved the new extrusion design and how the decks felt under their feet. It was wearing well with no breakages and all looking good to confirm the bulk manufacture. Then one of our riders broke one, it had been well ridden, tested hard out and the break for many brands would have been expected and no design change implemented. But that’s not the Sleeper way so back to the research and design process we went. Demo V2 was about to get the green light when after much more test riding we worked out how we could make the deck even better. This was very frustrating for us as we wanted to bring the decks to market as much as you wanted to ride them but knowing we could make them better again we pulled the pin on the manufacture at the last minute and designed V3. Demo V3 of the 5 wide is now on its way, they’ll be test ridden very soon and the good news is we now know for sure we’ve made the deck as good as it can be so have also pushed the button on the bulk manufacture. And man, it feels good. They say good things take time, that time is always worth it in the end. A definite date our new 4.5” and 5” wides will be available for sale is still a bit if an unknown given factory and shipping schedules so we will update again when we have a better idea but rest assured they are coming. Spring is in the air, well actually its not, its bloody winter now but when spring is in our Aotearoa air we are very confident you’ll all be able to ride your choice of 4.5” or 5” wide Sleeper decks. The perfect amount of time to wear them in before the summer comp circuit begins. Sick.

It's a bit early to release the full specs of each deck, nice to keep a few surprises under the Sleeper hood but park or street there’ll be a deck that’s sure to spin your wheels.

Thank you again for your amazing patience, we are genuinely stoked and humbled to have your ongoing support.

 Many fine regards, TEAM SLEEPER.